The Gujarat Public Service Commission, widely referred to as GPSC, conducted several examinations to recruit vacant Group A positions in the state of Gujarat. The government commission aims to implement several opportunities and overcome unemployment in the state of Gujarat, conducting examinations for all public service positions. Eligible candidates who pass the exam must move on and ultimately end up filling vacancies in the state. The commission begins with the opening of the registration window that was previously intimidated by the state government. The sector divided the review into three stages. Namely, Preliminary internship Main stage Final interview.
Official Notifications by the Commission
The result of GPSC Prelims 2024 has not been released. But the Commission postponed all preliminary and major examinations, which were to be held by may 04, 2022. The newly updated examination program has not yet been released by the Commission.
Posts to be assigned to candidates who have passed the GPSC Exam: When a candidate has passed multiple levels and passed the exam, he/she will receive the posts mentioned below:
Civil Services :
- Legal Assistant (Class-3)
- Commercial Tax Inspector (Class-3)
- Deputy Mamlatdar (class-3)
- Deputy Section Officer (class-3)
- Range Forest Officer (Class-2)
- Gujarat Civil Service (Class-1 & Class-2)
- Gujarat Administrative Service (class-1)
Gujarat Legislative Secretariat service:
- Reporter in the Gujarati language
- Reporter in the Hindi language
- Reporter in the English language
- Private Secretary in English language (class-1 & Class-II)
- Private Secretary in Gujarati language (class-1 & class-2)