Finding the Right Internship Before You Graduate

Any good business school will usually include an internship requirement before graduating its students. While business schools assist students in selecting the best internship programme for them, students must also consider certain factors before settling on an internship where they can make the most of their time. Vaidyanathan 'Vaidy' Jayaraman, global dean (UG) and professor of Supply Chain Operations, Data Sciences & Analytics at the SP Jain School of Global Management (Sydney, Singapore, Dubai, and Mumbai), told FE how students can locate the ideal internship.

education, Jobs and Education,Intership tips for students,Finding the Right Internship

Internship, Paid Or Unpaid -

According to Prof. Jayaraman, an internship is a terrific opportunity to gain experience working in the real world, on a real project, with real people, to discover a genuine solution. "It doesn't matter if you are paid," he remarked. "What truly matters is if the experience you'll get during the internship will put you in a better position to get a full-time job once you graduate?"

A good internship usually provides the intern with a set of responsibilities that are clear, straightforward, and direct. By completing the assignment on schedule and within the budgeted amount, the intern increases her chances of receiving a pre-placement offer to continue the role full-time after graduation.

Possibility To Network -

"Your network is your networth," he explained. "You must determine whether the internship will help you widen your network" (network). Will the internship allow you to meet as many individuals as possible? This is something to consider while selecting an engagement."

You Will Learn The Following Abilities -

Prof. Jayaraman stated that a student must decide what skills she will master while interning. "A solid internship will help you gain the proper type of abilities that will help you find the right type of job with the right company after you graduate," he says. "Teamwork, project management, and relationship development are in great demand."

As a result, examining the types of abilities you want to learn will benefit you in the long term. In addition, inquire about the company's mentorship programmes for interns while getting the necessary training and support to perform well throughout the internship.

Are Interns Appreciated? -

It is critical to assess how much care and work a company has put into developing internship criteria. Is the internship, for example, in line with the company's goal and mission? Is there a dress code, weekly team meetings, major deliverables, access to office amenities, and engagement with top management?

Making A Difference -

A successful internship can pave the way for a prosperous career. It is critical to have a positive working connection with your boss during this trip. "While they will all be busy with their projects, you should not be hesitant to ask questions and gain maximum exposure with the organization's top executives," Prof Jayaraman advised. "It all comes down to your willingness to go the additional mile and become involved in every part of your project. Uncertainties are unavoidable, but worrying is not, and planning is essential. Internships are a fantastic way to prepare for the real world. Make your internship count at the end of the day."

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